Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Introducing "Found in Wisconsin"

The Reference and Loan Library has just released Found in Wisconsin, the updated Wisconsin Online Collection. Found in Wisconsin makes it easy for patrons of all ages to search for and link into digitized books, photographs, videos, and other resources available on the websites of libraries, historical societies and museums statewide. The database contains entries for materials that are either about Wisconsin or which were created by Wisconsin residents, authors and scholars.Found in Wisconsin allows you to search for individual items, or entire collections of digitized objects, such as “Let’s Go to the Circus,” a compilation of nearly 100 historic photographs of circus activities. The site offers “one-stop shopping” for digital content and collections hosted by libraries, museums and historical societies statewide, and it offers links directly into content, regardless of which organization hosts the collection itself.Found in Wisconsin, available on the BadgerLink homepage at http://www.badgerlink.net, offers more tools for user interaction and a more robust technical platform than its predecessor, the Wisconsin Digital Collection. The database was created and is maintained by the staff of the Wisconsin Reference and Loan Library, and we welcome your feedback.Users of Found in Wisconsin can subscribe to an RSS feed that provides updates on sites newly added to the database. You can also send a note recommending specific content that you’d like to see added, or a general recommendation for types of materials you’d like to have included in this growing collection. Users of Found in Wisconsin can even rate individual entries and send comments on their favorite sources!We invite you to explore Found in Wisconsin and enjoy this growing assortment of books, videos, photos and available online collections. - Channel Weekly, Vol. 12, No. 11 -- December 3, 2009

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