Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Foxfire Series...Still Worth a Read!

Anyone who's interested in history should know about this series. An exhaustive study conducted by a professor and his history students on the East Cost, the Foxfire series documents how rural Americans lived fifty years ago in Appalachia. This series chronicles the adventures of mountain-folk in nearly twelve volumes and ranges in topic from corn-shukin' to weed pullin'. The second book in the series chronicles local ghost stories, personal narratives, and how to schuck some corn. There are photos throughout the book, and while previously if somebody asked me what book I'd take if I had to spend eternity on a desert island I would have responded: "Hmmm....? The Tao? The Zombie Survival Guide...I don't know...something common sense." I can now honestly say I would take this tome. Because it's practical while providing excellent knowledge on how to live off the land, make moonshine in a pinch, and host a hoedown without ticking off the neighbors.

While the practical side of these volumes will no doubt appeal to many, the personal narratives are by far some of the most interesting I've ever read. One particular fable in this volume about an ol-timer running his wife out of his house after catching her in a very precarious position was one of my personal favorites. But there are others that are incredibly no-nonsense and bring forth the warmth and genuine personalities of these awesome can-do people in way no other work has so exhaustively accomplished.

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