Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thoughts on the Academy Awards

While watching the Academy Awards, I was thinking about the vital relationship between movies and books.  This year several of the nominated films were based on books I had read.  One of these was Hugo based on the book Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick.  This movie was directed by Martin Scorese known for R-rated films.  He made this movie because of the encouragement of his 12-year-old daughter who loved the book and wanted her dad to make a movie age-appropriate for her.  I appreciated his efforts in bringing this book to life in a stunningly beautiful visual movie.  On Tuesday, March 13, you can see this movie at the Waterford Library at 6:00PM.  Remember, adults can come with or without children.  Another winner at the Academy Awards for best short animated film was The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore.  This film based on the book by William Joyce pays tribute in a magicial way to the joy of books and libraries.

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