Thursday, September 9, 2010

Keepin' Up With the Amish.......

Just recently, the Friends of the Waterford Library sponsored a trip to the Amish Country in Northern Indiana. Many Waterford Library patrons attended--as well as staff--and it was a great time had by all. The trip included lodging, transportation, food, a show, and even the tips and pie (for those of us who REALLY like to keep track...that means it was a bargain)!! Anyway, what I wanted you to know is that the event was a complete success, and the library looks forward to sponsoring a trip again in the near future. So, please keep your eyes peeled for the next one. I'm sure you'd have a great time and the proceeds benefit our library--which let's face it, is reason enough to go. But if that doesn't trip your trigger, I've got to tell ya, the fried chicken and pie would be enough for me to start packing again.....YUM!!

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