Tuesday, April 29, 2008

National Garden Month

Here are some ideas on how you can celebrate!

Organize or take part in a town beautification day.
Visit your local farmers' market.
Compliment a neighbor on his or her garden.
Get together with neighbors to purchase compost and mulch in bulk quantities. To calculate how much you need, click here.
Volunteer to plant and maintain a garden at your town library.
Submit a gardening article or essay to your local paper.
Interview an elder to learn what foods his or her family grew when he or she was a child.
Seek out neighbors from various ethnic groups to learn about their native cuisine and gardening techniques.
Green up your street or a local park by picking up trash.
Share a cutting of one of your favorite landscape or houseplants with a neighbor.
Inventory your gardening gear (e.g., pots, seeds, stakes) and donate the excess to a community gardening program or school garden.
Celebrate other important "green" holidays: Earth Day (April 22) and National Arbor Day (April 26).
Volunteer at your local school's garden.
Start a neighborhood garden club.
Share your garden's bounty with a neighbor.
Have fun doing a gardening project with a child. Click here for some ideas.
Deliver houseplants or flowers to a nursing home or children's hospital.
Donate past issues of gardening magazines to your library, or buy the library

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